Thanks all for your responses (they were overwhelming and appreciated). Thanks to Tim, Mike, David, Bent, Berki, Eggie, Stefan, Scott, Colleen and Brett. The general consensus was that when building a query the string should execute a quote command. see below. theQuery = "[Comname] = " + s.Quote Below is the original question. Hi all. I am trying to create a script that will allow a user to select a street name from a dropdown list -> the script will automatically highlight the street and zoom to the select features. (Below is the scipt thus far - without the zoom to code- As I haven't gottem the selct code yet). I think my problem lies in my definition theBitmap = theVtab.GetSelection Any ideas? Thanks theView = av.GetActiveDoc theTheme = theView.FindTheme("Roadssimm.shp") theTableName = "Attributes of" ++ theTheme.GetName theTable = av.GetProject.FindDoc(theTableName) theVtab = theTable.GetVTab theNameField = theVTab.FindField("Comname") theList = av.Run("GetUniq", {theVTab, theNameField}) s = MsgBox.ChoiceAsString(theList, "Choose a Street:", "Choice") theQuery = "[Comname] = " + s.AsString theBitmap = theVtab! ! .GetSelection theVtab.Query(theQuery, theBitmap, #VTAB_SELTYPE_NEW) theVtab.UpdateSelection _____ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger.